Visionaries, No, Jon has not quite gotten it yet. The point is not that since lots of people are screwed up, it is okay to be screwed up. The point is that if there is no such thing as being screwed up, it is okay to be screwed up. If there are no absolutes, then …
Pushing It Into the Corners
Visionaries, Tim Jenson said, among a number of other things, that using homosexuals as scapegoats was just plain cruel. Cruelty is bad? If there is no absolute by which we may judge society, then society becomes absolute. And, since Tim helpfully pointed out that most societies have mistreated homosexuals, then that must make it okay. …
A Resurgent Temperance Union
As you may have gathered, I am having a hard time getting over the attempt on the part of the Intoleristas to ban our children from participation in the Lord’s Supper. I laughed when I first heard it, and it has been one of my happy thoughts ever since. I don’t know what is going …
Marriage As Manifest Glory XXV
INTRODUCTION: When a man and woman marry, they are not joined together physically the way Siamese twins are joined. This means, obviously, that a married man and a married woman are the same biological individuals that they were when they were single. But they are covenantally united—and capable of physical separation. Not only are they …
Brief Notes on Anonymity
A few days ago, I posted a response to an anonymous letter that was circulating, in which letter I was accused of Sordid Stuff. In the days since, I have had interaction with three Christian men who were not clear in their minds on why such letters should be immediately walked over to the shredder. …
Temporary Republicans
Visionaries, Sven writes that he has heard about a “group” that said that “there are thousands of ex-Republicans throughout the country! They are living proof that Republican orientation is not fixed permanently…”. So Sven argues that there’s hope for this unnatural, sinful leaning if only folks will seek it. Of course Republican orientation is not …
A Tire Iron From Western Auto
Mike Hayes has put together a documentary on The Controversy in these here parts, a documentary entitled Our Town. Due to be shown publicly next week, he extended the courtesy of letting me review it (the same as he did for the others who were interviewed for the project). Not a partisan in the fracas, …
A Raspberry for Slander
Visionaries, I am afraid that Jon was distressed at my humorous response and thought it showed a lack of propriety on my part. A humorous response to grotesque slander is indicative of a lack of decency on the part of the recipient of the slander? But I am afraid I will not play that game. …
Look Who’s Fencing the Table Now
I still can’t get over the fact that our Intolerista friends are seriously trying to ban hundreds of our young people from taking communion during one of our worship services. The best thing I can figure out is that they have hired Howard Dean as a PR consultant. In our worship services we practice weekly …
Thinly Disguised Wowserism
The other day I noted that there have been a total of nine attempts to manipulate various tax-supported entities in order to harass us and our ministries. Now make that ten. Rose Huskey and Saundra have recently (June 10) sent a letter to folks at the UI trying to cause problems for our upcoming Trinity …