One Other Thing

I should have said one other thing about the two-fold authority of Scripture. It is not the case that the raw propositional truth has the two-fold authority (both rerum and verborum), but rather that only Scripture in the original languages had that two-fold authority. To translate a Scriptural passage into “pure” propositional notation would result …

Declarative Sentences and the Spirit

The problem is an obvious one for Protestant Christians, who place such a high value on translating the Scriptures from the original Hebrew and Greek into the vernacular. What does it mean to translate something? What does it mean to translate something that has divine authority? And doesn’t this require a propositional meaning distinct and …

Honest Prices

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 64 “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight” (Prov. 11:1). Doing business biblically presents many challenges. One of them is to resist the prevailing dishonesty in many portions of the business world …

Painting the Couch

One of the most exasperating features of emergent church thinking is the constant tendency to set propositional statements over against narrative. Abandoning propositions, they are trying to recover the idea of pastor as story-teller. As I have pointed out before, this is like abandoning verbs and nouns in favor of sentences, or lumber for houses. …

When And What To Plunder From the Egyptians

Whenever believers confront unbelieving cultures, the perennial question arises — what can and cannot be taken from them and used by us in the advancement of the kingdom? One of the most enduring illustrations of what to do here is the image given by one of the early church fathers, which is that of plundering …