Wisdom From All Over the Place

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We need to let the Super WalMart come to Moscow now. No, not for those low, low prices. We need to head off the violence.

Some Dutch pederasts are forming a political party. Gives a whole new meaning to those yard signs saying “Say Yes for the Kids!”

I am currently having a fun time reading The End of the Barbary Terror. Take a look at it here. Many folks may not know this, but for centuries Muslim slavers used to prey on white Christians along the coastlines of southern Europe, taking hundreds of thousands of slaves. I don’t think it is premature to begin talk of reparations.

I encourage you to read the great story of how Gordon bought a donkey. HT: David Field

Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat. HT: Purgatorio

In case of rapture, this joystick will be unmanned. HT: Ken Myers

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