
Title: Envy Author: Helmut Schoeck Genre: Law Release Date: January 1, 1987 Pages: 452 Envy was first published in German in 1966, then in an English translation in 1970. This classic study is one of the few books to explore extensively the many facets of envy—"a drive which lies at the core of man's life …

Book of the Month/August 2014

For this month’s installment, I am going to do something a little bit different. I am going to throw some superlatives into the second paragraph, explain some obstacles in the next, and then add my own observations following all that. This book, Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, is one of the most important books of this …

Mission Drift

Title: Mission Drift Author: Peter Greer, Chris Horst, Genre: Religion Publisher: Bethany House Publishers Release Date: February 18, 2014 Pages: 224 Is your organization in danger of Mission Drift? Without careful attention, faith-based organizations drift from their founding mission. It's that simple. It will happen. Slowly, silently, and with little fanfare, organizations routinely drift from …

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

The Dems are talking up the prospect of impeachment for the president right now because they know what a loser issue that would be for the Republicans, and the Democrats desperately need for the Republicans to obtain for themselves a loser issue that can be wrapped around their necks. They are able to talk it …

The Scruffiest You Ever Saw

Let’s begin by distinguishing two different kinds of resistance. In the first, let us begin by supposing a godless despotism that has been a godless despotism from its founding. There is no heritage of restrained government. If one of the subjects of this realm were converted to God, started preaching the gospel, and was told …