A Question That Requires More Traction

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Megyn Kelly
Good question, great answer.

At the beginning of February, I presented this set of questions as questions needing to be asked of the Republican candidates. The paragraph below is the conclusion to this post.

In addition, every candidate for president needs to be pressed on this same question. We are now in the midst of primary season, which means that many ordinary citizens will have opportunity to ask such questions. The question should have two parts — if Daleiden and Merritt are convicted, and if that case wends its way into the federal system, can you commit yourself to a presidential pardon for them? And secondly, would you be willing to consider awarding them the Medal of Freedom regardless of the status of their case?

I am most grateful that Megyn Kelly asked Ted Cruz one of the questions, and am doubly grateful that Cruz answered it appropriately. All the other remaining candidates need to be asked the question. Especially Trump.

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Ian Miller
9 years ago

Good for both of them.

9 years ago

When that happened, I thought about you — and so did the whole Mablog community. (A salute to Mrs Kelly and Sen. Cruz, who are obviously reading this. : – )

9 years ago

Yes, they should all be asked, but however Trump would answers I doubt it would matter to those mesmerized by his con.

9 years ago

“We’re gonna pardon him in the biggest way. I mean, its gonna be the fastest, greatest, fullest, most amazing pardon anyone has ever seen. Believe me. And everyone is gonna love it. Everyone is gonna be really, really, really excited about the way we pardon the video guy. Its gonna be great. A much better pardon than any of these other guys could give. Its not gonna be one of those low energy pardons. Its gonna be something really, really special. Believe me.”

9 years ago
Reply to  lloyd

It’s time to Make Pardons Great Again.

9 years ago
Reply to  lloyd

… and we’re gonna make Mexico pay for it!

9 years ago
Reply to  lloyd

Thanks for my internet chuckle of the week.

Clint Hughes
Clint Hughes
9 years ago
Reply to  lloyd

I could actually hear Trump clear as a bell when I read this. You nailed him!

Matt Massingill
Matt Massingill
9 years ago
Reply to  lloyd

Oh, my. This post is a riot! You nailed it!

Bike bubba
9 years ago

Yes, a pardon, but probably more importantly, a good look of the soundness of the laws under which they were prosecuted–Texas prosecuting men for using a fake California driver’s license bears little resemblance to falsifying Texas government records–and possibly bringing charges against the prosecutors, and clarifying the law if it’s not clear.

9 years ago

good to know you watch Kelly….

Supporting her feminist nonsense…

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

Good to know you read Wilson….

Supporting his cultural commentary! ; – )

(Although Megan Kelly is pretty easy to watch! Reading Wilson takes more effort.)

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

a true Male Kelly fan spends more time mastering domesticity instead of reading blogs…

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

So how good are your apple pies? ; – )

8 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

brilliant, actually now practice what you preach, put on a dress and look after the home…

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

Wait! What? You mean you are not speaking from experience ? Silly me, nobody makes better pies or better sense than my mother! Considering the gaps in your reasoning, please don’t try domesticity at home. Leave that , and sound reasoning to the very noble, sensible and able ladies!????

8 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

well if one supports her nonsense of course it would be easy to watch

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

Alas, not having cable tv makes a number of things harder, if not impossible to watch!????

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

Who watches kelly?

8 years ago

the author

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
8 years ago
Reply to  BDash76

There is this thing called the internet whereby the author can be made aware of what kelly said without watching the show.

Lauren Day
Lauren Day
9 years ago

That was actually my question to Sen. Cruz and Megyn liked it so much she asked my husband Nate and I down to Houston to ask it (serious, the producer called 5 times). Megyn really tries to give the people an opportunity to get engaged in public policy. Our inspiration for asking this question (which was initially intended to all presidential candidates) did come from one of your posts. :) Thanks for the work y’all do. -Lauren Day