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Matt Massingill
Matt Massingill
9 years ago

Oh my is that the classic Wilhelm scream? Funny! It must be public domain by now I guess.

Daniel Meyer
9 years ago

“Welcome to Find Your Calling. Please choose only what you enjoy.” Often though (most often?), the enjoyment comes only after you first put your shoulder to the plow in service: not with reference to yourself and what you enjoy, but with reference to what work needs to be done and with reference to the fact that there you are available to do it. A mother has to change a lot of messy diapers and mediate many petty disputes among her little children on the way to raising up a crop of saints who will sing God’s praises forever. And learning… Read more »

Jeb Butler
Jeb Butler
9 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Meyer

Thanks for your encouraging essay for our sister in her new venture! I’ll try to do better for you in your chosen profession…go flagellate yourself :)

Valerie (Kyriosity)
9 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Meyer

Daniel, it’s a 30-second ad, not a treatise on the philosophy of human labor. Give it a break. ;^)

Also, the instruction to “choose only what you enjoy” is appropriate for the FYC tool. That’s how it works — you answer the questions about what you enjoy, and it suggests fields of study/work that might be suitable for the way you’re wired.