Introduction: In the New Testament, God highlights and empowers a new principle of identification. This identification is called koinonia or fellowship, and by it God intends to transform the world. And we are given a small glimpse in microcosm of how this is to work in the remarkable book of Philemon. The Text: “Wherefore, though …
Savior of the World #7
Introduction: The words of Christ in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew have caused far more consternation and confusion than they really should have. The key, as before, is to look at how the passages quoted from the Old Testament are actually used, and how the event of the first century actually unfolded. The Text: “Then …
Careful Heed
[With regard to 1 Tim. 4:16] “Yet we must not bleed out of this passage in 1 Timothy its obvious implication, that Timothy would not be that instrument of God that he could be unless he took heed to himself and then to his teaching” (Martin, What’s Wrong With Preaching Today? p. 7).
Book of the Month/April 2016
Back in the eighties, the debate over theonomy and Christian Reconstruction was a “thing.” It is still a thing, and in proof of what I say I offer the evidence that virtually no one thinks so. The day of common sense shared assumption is clean over. We live in a day when decent folks can …
Review: Tucker’s Last Stand
Tucker’s Last Stand by William F. Buckley Jr. My rating: 3 of 5 stars Kept my interest throughout, but overall, bleh. View all my reviews
And We Haven’t Even Had All Our Practices Yet
Willie Will & The 5 Solas
So here is something from outside my wheelhouse. That said, I do love a well-turned phrase, and this man does have them — “living from the grave,” “the poetry of Jehovah’s deed,” and more. The album (with a huge list of songs) is dropping today. CHORUS: We’re saved by grace alone through faith alone in …
Review: Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome
Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome by John C. Sanford My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book is a devastating treatment of the “primary axiom” of evolutionary thinking. Some amazing stuff here. View all my reviews
Review: Reflections on the Psalms
Reflections on the Psalms by C.S. Lewis My rating: 4 of 5 stars Glorious, but awful in parts. Finished it again in 2016, and it is still the same. Lewis has an uncanny ability to edify me and appall me simultaneously. View all my reviews
Review: The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World’s Most Notorious Atheist
The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World’s Most Notorious Atheist by Larry Alex Taunton My rating: 5 of 5 stars I won’t say much here because I am writing a review of this book for Books & Culture. But I can say that in the review I hope to use up …