Miracles by C.S. Lewis My rating: 4 of 5 stars Excellent. Went through it again in March of 2016. Richer each time. View all my reviews
A Bit of Fun Business Here
Here is a bit of fun business, a great project. A number of our people here in Moscow were involved in this project, including the video — check it out.
Review: Selected Poems
Selected Poems by William Blake My rating: 3 of 5 stars Okay, so I read this, and am afraid that it brought me to the conclusion that Blake is overrated. But glad to have read him, and there were some striking lines. Okay, so it was worth it. View all my reviews
Book of the Month/March 2016
I have read another book by Andrew Pettegree — Reformation and the Culture of Persuasion — which I really enjoyed, and I enjoyed this one even more. Brand Luther is well-researched, scholarly, detailed . . . and an easy read. Think of it as a mash-up of history and biography written from the vantage of …
Review: Phantastes
Phantastes by George MacDonald My rating: 3 of 5 stars I know that I read this once before, many moons ago. But my only recollection of it consisted in the fact that I had read it. I recently decided to read it again because of the impact it had on Lewis. Having done so, I …
Review: Ivanhoe
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott My rating: 4 of 5 stars On my short list of books I am actively reading, I include a “bucket book,” defined as a book I really should have read by this time in my life, but which for various reasons, I have not. In this category, I just finished Ivanhoe, …
Review: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass My rating: 4 of 5 stars Well written & moving. View all my reviews
Invite to Grace Agenda 2016
Grace Agenda 2016 Announcement from Canon Wired on Vimeo.
Review: Preaching in the Holy Spirit
Preaching in the Holy Spirit by Albert N. Martin My rating: 4 of 5 stars Very fine little booklet. I commend it to all preachers — really good stuff here. View all my reviews
Review: The Prince and Betty
The Prince and Betty by P.G. Wodehouse My rating: 4 of 5 stars Continuing to work my way through the entire Wodehouse corpus, and continuing to enjoy it. View all my reviews