“’Natural childbirth’ is a very common way of refusing to apply the doctrine of the Fall, ignoring the curse that God placed upon childbearing. To say that pregnancy is not a disease is quite true. To say that giving birth is a natural process is also true also. But this overlooks the fact that it …
Two New E-Books
I have added two new eBooks to my Mablog Shop eWarehouse—you can find them at the top of the listings here. You may click on either of the covers to get there, but let me explain them briefly here. One is a collection of quotes of mine, a chrestomathy, on the subject of education. The …
Book of the Month/May 2018
This month’s book is one to use as a resource, as a book to read through, and a book to browse in. I highly recommend it for pastors who are responsible for shaping and leading the liturgy of worship, for anyone responsible for overseeing the public worship of the church. The book is Reformation Worship, …
Irish Setters Write Few Letters
The Economics of Sex: Absolutely young women (and older ones as well) should run an inventory on how biblical their standards are. If their standards are what the law allows them, in which case alpha male or beta male hardly matters anymore, then they are collaborators and not the resistance. Let’s not deceive young men …
Talk Back Tuesday
Marry Young, I Say: So . . . that’s why the average godly guy should be married by the time he is 23! You said it even better this time, Wilson! Hang in there gals! I expect some decent guys might get the right idea after this post! Jason Will you say anything to young …
How May We Assist You?
Letters Feature Postponed a Week
Because things are hopping, and there is much to write about, and I wanted to respond (briefly) to Thabiti’s rejoinder, the much beloved letters feature is going to appear next Tuesday instead of this Tuesday. Unless something else happens.
New Title: Letters on Homosexual Desire
As regular readers know, a short while ago I published here a series of (fictional) letters to a young Christian who had a homosexual past, and who was wanting to know how to deal with his temptations. That set of letters has just been added to the Mablog shop, available in EPub, Mobi, and PDF. …
Dalrockian and Disoriented
Last week, Dalrock took a few shots at my teaching on sex and marriage, indicating that I am well on the way toward feminism. You can take a gander here and here. “From what I can tell, Wilson is over a decade ahead of the complementarian curve in this regard. So far, this idea seems to …
More, More, More from the Mailbag
Rage on a Short Tether: 2 Kings 19:20-21,27-28 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I have heard your prayer concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria. This is the word that the Lord has spoken against him . . . But I know where you are and when you come and go and …