“Look. Christians believe the Bible invented free societies. Secularists who worry about fundamentalist Christians sneaking in to spy out their liberties are like a prodigal son buying drinks for the house while secretly worrying that his father will break into his room that night in order to steal all his money” (Empires of Dirt, p. …
An E-Book on the Apostles’ Creed Now Available . . .
A new book of comments, notes and observations on the Apostles’ Creed is now available in the Mablog Store, with the link here. The Creed is a model of brevity, but it is amazing how much truth was compressed into it. It is sort of an early church zip file. This small book is designed …
That Would Explain a Lot of Things
Book of the Month/March 2018
The book I have selected for this month’s review is Crisis of Responsibility by David Bahnsen. I was briefly tempted to make this an extremely short review, saying simply that Greg Bahnsen, his father, would have been very proud. That really would have been sufficient, but there were a few other things I wanted to …
Letters to a Broken Girl/E-Book Now Available
Click here to get to the store where this book is now available. You have the option of getting it in a PDF, EPub, or Mobi.
Baptized Immaturity
“I want to live in a baptized civilization. That is what I mean by mere Christendom. But this means, if I understand what I want, that I also want to live in the midst of baptized immaturity. If we are the Dufflepuds, and a glance at the national debt indicates that we most certainly are, …
Book of the Month/February 2018
My choice for this month’s book is C.S. Lewis Anti-Darwinist by Jerry Bergman, and I commend it to you as an outstanding resource. I have read a lot in Lewis, and I have read a lot about Lewis, and this book really crystallized many issues for me. The editing of this book is choppy at …
So Sorry for Posting Late. Kinda Busy. Leave Me Alone.
Housekeeping: Greetings, Not addressing any particular post, rather a technical question—in my quest to get away from social media I’ve started using an RSS reader to keep up with sites that I follow. I distinctly recall seeing an RSS feed for this site in the past but cannot find it at this time; is the …
Two or Three Witnesses/Flags Out Front
So then, it is not often you get word (all in one day) that a book of yours has gotten itself reviewed in two different magazines. Naturally enough, I took this as a sign, and hastened to my computer in order to tell you all about it. What is it a sign of? Well, these …
Book of the Year 2017
So I like to read, and consequently I have continued to do so. The list of books I read in 2017 is now posted here. I also like to let people know when I have read a hot one, and so that is why I have a monthly feature informatively called The Book of the …