I don’t have a ton to say about this book, except to reassert just how much I admire Thomas Sowell. No one does a better job of puncturing the pretensions of those who believe economic realities are a matter of opinion. There are many who are peddle nonsensical nostrums in the name of what we …
Murder on the Orientation Express
Introduction: Comes now the Amazon Death Star with news that they will no longer carry books by a gent named Joseph Nicolosi, the founder of what has come to be called conversion therapy. Conversion therapy or reparative therapy for minors (therapy designed to reverse homosexuality) is now illegal . . . oh, in loads of …
Book of the Month/July 2019
The Household and the War for the Cosmos: We recently had C.R. Wiley out here in Moscow for our Grace Agenda, and Canon Press released his newest book at that time, which I have just recently finished. Having finished it, I want to take this opportunity to make it my book of the month, which …
A Hymn of Creation and Providence (Ps. 104)/Video
Psalm 104: A Hymn of Creation and Providence
God’s Little Reductio on Pluralism
Introduction: A few days ago I published a post on the French/Ahmari scuffle, in the course which I called on National Review to confess the name of Jesus. That post can be found here, and I am grateful to Andrew Sandlin for his response to my piece, which can be found here. There are some …
Book of the Month/June 2019
A number of years ago, The American Spectator published an article by Angelo Codevilla called The Ruling Class. That article made quite a splash at the time, and then was reworked into a little book. I read it back then, and thought it really described the lay of the land well. This was all before …
Inescapable Incrementalism
Introduction: Recent years have seen the rise of a pro-life abolitionism, and there are aspects of this that have been quite good. We could all use a little more impatience with some of our pro-life politicos, too many of whom have been like the constables in Penzance. “We go, we go, we go!” “Yes, but …
Psalm 101/The Eleventh Decade of Psalms
Introduction: The most likely occasion for the composition of this psalm is shortly after the death of Saul, when it looked likely that David was going to ascend the throne. This is a psalm that declares what he wanted his administration to look like—he is talking about the kind of behavior that will get a …
Same Page Summer 2019
I am writing to invite you to join a number of us on an edifying joint venture this summer. We began the Bible Reading Challenge a couple years ago, and it has enjoyed some remarkable successes thus far. According to numerous reports that we have received, it has been a transformative exercise, and this coming …
Book of the Month/May 2019
Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter are (I think) men of the left, and they write from within the Canadian cultural milieu, which can be its own kind of crazy, but they are both quite sensible and have written a fascinating analysis of the ethos of countercultural consumption. Their book is called Nation of Rebels, and …