This week Pastor Wilson talks about jury nullification and gives us his personal account of being jury duty himself. Then he plods on to review Justin Dyer and Micah Watson’s book, “C.S. Lewis On Politics and Natural Law”. Then Pastor Wilson wraps things up by taking a look at the Greek word anosios. Happy Plods! …
Book of the Month/April 2019
I just loved this book, The Virtue of Nationalism, and one of the reasons I loved it is that Yoram Hazony, the author, is a structural thinker. When books appeal to data or statistics, you always have to factor in the possibility that the data has been scrubbed for you, or somehow cooked, or marinated …
Book of the Month/March 2019
My selection this month for my book of the month is Seeing Green by Tilly Dillehay. The book is about envy, not the environment, as the subtitle indicates—“Don’t Let Envy Color Your Joy.” And this is quite a timely book. The book is competently done, well-written, and it is aimed at a river sin that …
Not Surprisingly, Letters
The Head Hohn Cho (and Related): Re: “A Very Basic Question”: I’m sure you don’t want these comments to become a battleground for the current controversy, but I thought I might comment on the apparent ongoing double standard, which, as far as I’ve read on the Team Pyro blog, has still not been addressed. In …
A Very Basic Question
In the aftermath of the report on sex abuse in the Houston Chronicle, it seems that the Southern Baptist Convention is cleaning house. If you read through this article at Christianity Today, it appears that many of the reforms they are undertaking are common sense. It appears that way to me, at any rate. No …
Letters Today About Yesterday’s Post
Paula Misses the Point: Regarding your snotty article that strangely still seems all too ready to shame people for rightly being horrified and indignant about the sexual sin and predation in the church . . . Steven Sitler. Maybe sackcloth and ashes would suit you better. Paula Paula, the point being made there was not …
In Case You Were Interested
Looking back over my stats for the last two years, I thought I would pass on to you what the top three sellers have been from my little Mablog Shop on the corner. This is to help along those of you who have not yet purchased one of these little babies (one dollar a piece, …
The Salvation of Emeth
Introduction: One episode in the Narnia stories has caused no little consternation for evangelical parents as they have read to their children, and that element of the story concerns the salvation of Emeth. On another occasion, I discussed the curious fact of Susan’s absence from the heavenly regions in The Last Battle. A second curious …
Yet One More Title . . .
Let’s all join together to make the newest product in the Mablog shop feel welcome. When you are a new title in strange surroundings, it is often awkward. And the best way to make any new title feel welcome is to buy 26 of them. Everybody knows that.
One More Free Kindle . . .
So we gathered all the November posts up, and put them in an anthology. That anthology is now available (free) today through Saturday. Here is the link.