Introduction: When Samuel was warning the people of Israel about what would happen if they obtained a king "like the other nations," one of the central problems he said would arise was the fact ...
Seems Reasonable
“The same with Calvin. I don’t agree with Calvin on everything. But what I reserve to myself is the right to agree with Calvin and not have that agreement be used as the reason for denying that I am a Calvinist.”
Letters for the Dog Days of August
Letter to the Editor: At the church I attend, we recently had a baptism of the daughter in a family. The daughter was somewhere around age fourteen. The pastor asked the head of household ...
Evangelical Obedience as the Lifeblood of Faith
“But believing God is no work, and not believing God is not faith.”
Sly Dog Teachers
Introduction: In a very interesting development, those of us who are calling Americans to come back to Christ, and to do so as Americans who are guilty of very American sins, are somehow being ...
Forgetting What Lies Behind
Philippians (12): Sermon Video Introduction: One of the great things I learned from my father is that “God takes you from where you are, and not from where you should have been.” All of ...
All Gone Now
“Sometimes the new wine can’t get into the old wineskin, not because of the old wine, but because the skin is stuffed full of learned scribes, writing treatises on what it was like back in the glory days, back before we drank all the old wine.”
Now That’s Love Right There
No Dead Faith
“The fact that someone who believes that saving faith is nothing more or less than mental assent to propositions has somehow come to be regarded as a defender of the Reformed faith is a remarkable phenomenon, and worthy of study.”
Content Cluster Muster [08-10-23]
Looks Like Fun Enough: Open Road. Well, More or Less Open.: And more here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Friday Funny: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Emilio Perrier Chris Krupinski Andrew Wyeth And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product: Fire on the Mountain:This small book is an introduction to the Ten Commandments. Often cited, and …