Stipulated Vocabularies

“I recognize that James and Paul have differing stipulated vocabularies. ‘Works’ is a word that does not refer to the same thing for the two men. Paul is at war with dead works, and James is at war with dead faith. We are the heirs of both men, and ought to be at war with both dead works and dead faith. The enemy is death, not faith or works. Works for James is fruit for Paul. But within the clear usage that James gives us, it is indisputable that works is the animating principle of faith.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 92

Straight Talk on the Christian Prince, No Varnish

Introduction: As I have been observing the debate over Christian nationalism deve . . . well, develop is not really the right verb. Stagger is more like it. As I have watched the debate over Christian nationalism stagger around, perhaps toward resolution, a few thoughts have occurred to me from time to time. Actually, one …

New Covenant Apostasy

“The book of Hebrews was written to a new covenant people, and it was written in order to head off a looming apostasy. That is what the entire book is about. In this verse [Heb. 10:29], we learn that the sanctions of the new covenant are more severe than the sanctions under Moses—“sorer punishment.” The new covenant does not contain “no sanctions.” It contains “more severe sanctions” . . . . Members of the visible church can and do fall away from Christ.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 79

Content Cluster Muster [08-03-23]

Got It: An Interview About Gilder: Nice, But Too Many Primary Colors Make My Head Hurt: More here. Processed with VSCO with 6 preset A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Aaron Griffin Rubens Santoro Late for Work: And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product: Intelligent Design Blues:A little fun at Darwin’s …