"With him the love of country meansBlowing it all to smithereens" Robert Frost, A Case for Jefferson And no, the reference is not to Trump. Introduction: I ...
Honoring God in Personal Finances
Introduction: Martin Luther once said that a man needs to be converted twice. The first conversion is that of his heart, and the second one is of his wallet. What we are going to be addressing here ...
Dead Faith Accomplishes Nothing
“To include faithfulness in the very nature of living faith is not to intrude works. Faithful faith justifies. Faithless faith does not.”
We Can See That
Not the Barnacles
“Loving the original ship does not mean loving the barnacles . . . In the grip of Enlightenment individualism, pietism, sentimentalism, and so forth, in our day the meaning of the solas has been turned aside from their original and more glorious meaning. Now they are solo Christus (just me and Jesus), solo gratia (narrow, sectarian grace), solo fide (when ‘I prayed the prayer’), solo Scriptura (just me and my Bible), and solo Deo gloria (God gets all the glory for saving me, and maybe somebody else. Now please realize that the word solo here constitutes a bad macaronic pun, and not a serious attempt to match gender, number, and case. No letters from the Latinists, please.”
Content Cluster Muster [08-24-23]
Okay, Well Done: Open Road: And more here. Lookit. They Attached Helpful Information to the Bible Reading Challenge: And CT Has Got the Staggers: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Friday Funny: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Yuri Krotov Steve Hanks And Another Podcast Heard From: Featured Product: No Artificial Tweeteners:Okay, so I do tweet …
Bottle-Rocket Doctrine
“In fact, one of the guys we lost to Rome wasted very little time in denouncing John Paul II as a heretic and discovering that the papal throne was empty. All such things remind me very little of classic Roman Catholic doctrine and remind me a great deal of bottle-rocket anabaptism.”
On Walking Along the Balance Beam of, You Know, Balance
Introduction: I was recently interviewed by Religion News Service and by some friends at New Founding, and in both interviews the same issue came up. As a consequence, it naturally occurred to ...
Christians Becoming True Christians
“A man who is married to a woman is obligated to be faithful to her. But if he is not faithful to her, this does not mean that he is not ‘really’ married to her—because that would mean, ironically, that he was not really being faithless to her. You have to be covenantally obligated to be covenantally faithless . . . If a cheating husband repented and came home to his wife after years of infidelity, and she forgave him, and said to him, ’Today, you have become my husband,’ we would all know what she meant. He had to have been a husband before his repentance in order to cheat, but when he repented of cheating, he ‘became a husband.’ A lot of faithless covenant members have ‘become Christians’ the same way.”
Letters That Express Your True Feelings
Letter to the Editor: Re: Sly Dog Teachers I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed (and doesn't appreciate) the word "winsome" creeping into Christian teaching. I've heard it on Christian ...