Sermon Video Introduction: By the grace of God, we live in an industrious community of Christians, and it has to be said that this has had a very predictable result. Not unrelated, we are also ...
And Not a Small Difference Either
“There is a difference between believing that the efficacy of baptism is not limited to the time of administration and believing the impotence of baptism is not tied to the moment of administration.”
An Unexpected Side Benefit
Exhibited and Conferred
Content Cluster Muster [08-31-23]
Applies to Many Issues . . .: Open Road: And more here. Found at the Bottom of the Memory Hole: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Thanks for Your Patience: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Ivan Shishkin And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product: A Review of Rod Dreher’s Crunchy Cons:In Crunchy Cons, conservative author Rod …
To Pummel the Point
“To pummel the point (if I may), I have taught (in very clear and divers ways) that the grace given to the decretally elect at the point of the effectual call is grace that is qualitatively different than the common operations of the Spirit enjoyed (for a season) by the unregenerate covenant member. I have heaped this point up in a rumpled pile and have danced around it, gesticulating with enthusiasm. I have made a big building out of this point and put a blinking neon sign on top of it. If this point were an overpass, I have spray-painted my agreement with it in bright green letters at least eighteen inches high. With my white chef’s hat on, I have wheeled this point out of the kitchen on a cart, poured brandy all over it, and set it on fire. If the point were a pudding, I would have added three eggs beyond what the recipe called for. To summarize briefly, this is not something I have somehow neglected to say.”
Let’s You and Him Fight
Introduction: The Scriptures teach us to love our enemies. The evangelical squish interprets this to mean that we aren't supposed to have any enemies—except for those awkward hardliners who ...
Grace Can Give Different Things
“The fact that God is gracious is He makes a gracious covenant with unfilled Adam, which Adam broke, and then another gracious covenant with fallen men in the second Adam, which Christ kept, does not mean these two gracious covenants have to be the same thing.”
Tombs of the Prophets
“Is it okay to read what our Reformed fathers wrote and preached back in the day? And learn from them? Or must we simply invoke their names with pious looks on our faces?”
Letters, You Know, The Kind You Guys Write
Letter to the Editor: "But there is no way for us to return to our senses without returning to our God. That’s it." Pastor, how can we maintain any hope when Christians are praying He grants ...