Out of Conformity

“As a confessional Reformed minister who has honestly subscribed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, I am also convinced that many of the ‘distinctive’ I am accused of promulgating are not distinctives at all, but are in fact the teaching and doctrine of the Confession. And so this means I believe our adversaries are actually out of conformity with the teaching of the Confession at a number of points.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 195

Content Cluster Muster [09-07-23]

Don’t Need to Pay Attention: Dusty Open Road: More here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Prepping for the Smuggling Times: The good folks at TinyBibles.com have a great idea for those of you gearing up for the coming crack-downs on hate theology. Hate That Kind of Story: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Boris Majorov …

An Obedient Israel

“If the history of the Old Testament can be summed up as ‘Israel screws up,’ then the story of Christ is summed up as ‘Israel does it right.’ . . . The reason I can be an Israelite and not be destroyed is Israel is now obedient. And whose obedience was this? How did it happen? The active obedience of Christ began with His miraculous brith, and His exile in Egypt, and His restoration from Egypt. Out of Egypt God called His Son. And when God called His Son, we came too.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, pp. 190-191

To, Not By

“Of course we are not saved by good works (Eph. 2:8-9). But we are saved to good works (Eph. 2:10), which God prepared beforehand for us to do. Not only so, but we are told expressly that the testing ground of true faith is true works. Show your faith by your works, man. Not mere affirmation of good works with the lips, either, but genuine, honest-to-God good works. Not good works redefined to fit comfortably into some humanist’s social agenda, but good works defined biblically, and structured biblically on the foundation of real faith in the revealed will of God.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 186

Sacramental Calvinism

“If the Confession gives a detailed description of a sacramental union between water baptism and converting graces (which it plainly and unambiguously does) then what do you call it when guardians of the Confession just wave their hands over it, and pronounce (ex cathedra) that it doesn’t mean what it says? When this kind of inversion happens, then only one thing can follow it—accusations must be brought against those who still hold to the original meaning of the Confession at this point. And that is what is happening. The rabbis are cracking down lest the original sacramental Calvinism of the Confession break free from the talmudic layers of revivalism that have been imposed on it.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 182