This is one of those Leap Year Cluster Musters. Watch your step.
Still Impressive
Something I Have Mentioned From Time to Time Over the Years
Many times I have thanked God for the caliber of my friends. I have also had occasion to thank God for the caliber of my adversaries . . .
Unless, of course, this is the work of ham-handed friends. In which case, it is brilliant.
Open Road From the Archives
A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
Multiple Applications
HT: Samuel Cherubin
Denis Korobkov
And Another Podcast Also
I recently appeared on the City of God podcast, and had a good time. The website is here, and the Apple Podcast link is here. The Spotify link is below.
Featured Product
This is the book of Esther in the form of a screenplay, in a steampunk setting, by someone who has never written a screenplay before. Leave me alone.