I make a sharp distinction between homeschooling that is schooling at home, and homeschooling as ideology. The former is pursued by godly Christian parents who believe that this is what God has called them to, and who diligently labor to that end. Some of the finest students I have ever been privileged to teach at …
Justification and Taste
“In this futile world, in this world where vanity reigns, we can know that the grace of God has burst through to us by one indication only: “Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works” (Ecc. 9:7). A man who stands …
Santa Claus At Nicea
And here on the last Sunday of Advent, we need to deal with a competing story. But it would probably be more accurate to say that we have to deal with a godly story that has been encrusted with many layers of foolishness. But let us take away those layers, and ask—who was the original …
God Deals With Us
Observing the Lord’s Supper on a weekly basis makes it a central event in our lives. As we have said a number of times, God deals with us here, and He deals with us according to His Word, and not according to ours. If we are struggling against His work in us here, the temptation …
Justified Praise
Father of all glory, God of all majesty, Lord of all men, we lift up our praises to You now. We know that we offer back to You only what You have given to us, and this simply causes us to be more grateful. We know that nothing we offer to You can be accepted …
No Matter How Thin You Slice It, It’s Still Baloney
I am working my way through a new book, and I cannot wait until I am done before recommending it. Entitled Reclaiming the Center, this book does a number on all the postmodern hooey that is afflicting contemporary evangelical types. The subtitle is “Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern Times.” The hooey is decked out in …
More on Slavery
Some of you all know that there was another outbreak of the slavery fracas at Cary Christian in North Carolina. A gentleman in that controversy wrote me some questions concerning a (biblical) position statement that Cary Christian had posted on their web site. The position paper is in bold, the gentleman’s comments and questions are …
Legal or Moral?
Dear visionaries, In response to Randall, I fully understand that the current legal situation makes a distinction between speech and restaurant management. I want to know why. How come? By what standard? What is so magical about speech? Why is the First Amendment first misunderstood and then absolutized? Why is the Tenth Amendment ignored? Give …
We must always remember that sin muddles. Even though we live in a sex-crazed society, it does not follow from this that we understand sex, or sexual morality. The “openness” advocated by so many actually blurs the understanding. In such a situation, God’s law illumines; disobedience results not only in sexual immorality, but also sexual …
Salt and Light
We have been considering the character of the Christian in the Beatitudes. We now come to the effect that believers, who have this kind of character, will have on the world. “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing …