So poetry is broken speech,
Metaphor shattered.
Not broken prose
But prose broken-
That resurrection power
Might be displayed,
And like the Word
These tiny words
Can also then be called and named
sons of God.
Yet how many men
Have been crucified?
With broken legs,
They suffocate.
A pole upright,
Half-pound nails
And murderous will
Are not enough
To make a christ
or a christian.
So brokenness-
Taken alone-
Is broken.
Fragmented prose
Will decompose
And never see
What poetry knows.
What does envoi mean exactly?
For we are God’s poem
Created in Christ Jesus
To do good works-
To break our own prose
Into our own little poems-
Which God prepared
Beforehand for us
to write with our lives.
How do we walk in a poem?
How do we react
when prose appears in the upper room?