Thinking Outside the Cliche

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“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11)

Growing Dominion, Part 47

Those who are interested in improving their performance in business will find no shortage of books offering to help along the way. The American market is glutted with “guru management” books of all kinds. Those who are interested in studying how they do business will of course be interested in what others offer for study. But how to sort through the wheat and chaff?

The first thing is to get the general categories down. Before we sort things into piles we should think through to the extent that we know how many piles there are. And generally speaking, there are four categories. The first would be an explicitly Christian book, explicitly grounded on scriptural principles. The second would be a secular book which by common grace adheres to scriptural principles. The third would be a secular book which chases after everything relativistic fad imaginable, and uses phrases like “think outside the box.” The fourth would be an explicitly Christian book which apes the fads of the secularists.

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