The Trap of Donatism Lite

Introduction: As the aftermath of the great evangelical leadership meltdown continues apace, we find ourselves in the midst of a very interesting discussion. What do we do about evangelical leaders who flaked, evangelical leaders who wobbled, and evangelical leaders who stood firm—now that some of the smoke has cleared, and some who wobbled are starting …

On Leaving a Church Over Masks

For some months now, Toby Sumpter and I have been blogging about the challenges posed by the mask mandates issued by various civil governments, and it has been very apparent that we have taken a dim view of that whole enterprise. But one of the downstream consequences of our very public position on this has …

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Warhorn, Moscow, and Binding Consciences

Introduction: As a number of you have no doubt seen, we were taken to task yesterday by Joseph Bayly and Brian Bailey, and given the nature of the criticism, I thought a response was necessary. I hope to keep the response centered on what I believe to be the central issue, and so perhaps this …

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25 Theses on Common Grace, Natural Revelation, and Pastoral Care

One of the most common areas where syncretism—an attempt to marry two incompatible worldviews—is making massive inroads into Christian faith and practice is in the area of counseling and therapy. In the conviction that this is a very bad development, as well as believing it is an area where many pastors need to be encouraged …

Baptizing Koalas

“They see their objects always near, never in the horizon.”—Hazlitt Here is the presenting problem. How is it possible for corporate entities (colleges, seminaries, denominations, publishing houses, etc.) to go bad when they have so many good people in them throughout the entire process of going bad? When the liberals captured the mainline Presbyterian church, …

Church Membership and Disloyalty

One of the things that modern Christians have a hard time doing right is loyalty. We don’t know how loyalty is supposed to work. We don’t understand the spiritual requirement of personal allegiance to your church and its leadership, and in addition we have a very poor understanding of what disloyalty actually smells like. Not …