A Back Eddy in the Moscow Everglades

Let me begin by inviting the uninterested to just skip this one, a post on one particular backwater eddy in the swamp that has become the Moscow Everglades. At the same time, some may be interested in this feature of our ongoing “rage for diversity” campaign because it is part of the reason that some …

Learning to Suspect the Received Account

“The person weighing these things must know that there is no publication called All Reputable Historians’ Review. Acceptance of what one certified historian states entails rejection of what another certified historian says. This is not the path to relativism, but is rather an acceptance of what the Christian faith plainly teaches us. Men are sinners, …

Weird Holiness

“All anti-biblical legalisms would fit into this category. ‘You are not really a genuinely committed father unless you . . . fulfill every commandment that our association of cracked brains comes up with’ — you name it — godliness through beekeeping, holiness through teetotalism, righteousness through smashing your television, and onward, into the fog!” (Federal …

In the Short Run

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 61 “The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot” (Prov. 10:7) A very important part of doing business is the matter of reputation. And reputations vary-good reputations go from okay to stellar, and …

Race and Response Time

Just finished watching President Bush on the news defending his administration against charges that the slow federal reaction to Katrina was motivated by racism, that all-purpose smear for anyone who for any reason offends the current guardians of Thought Purity. What a thesis! Think of it! President Bush calls in Karl Rove, well-known genius of …