We gather together here at the Table of the Lord in order that He might feed us. We do not gather here on the assumption that the bread and wine constitute some kind of theological puzzle, the meaning of which we must figure out before we are qualified to take it. This is a meal—nourishment. …
Here’s A Plan
John Roberts has been pressed by liberal Democrats to say that he will not allow his personal moral convictions to affect his performance of his public duties. And this is an assurance he has given to them. But what does it all mean? I see it as a golden opportunity. After Judge Roberts is confirmed …
Lowlife Authenticity
Too many parents try to understand the ins and outs of popular culture by trying to study particular artifacts of that culture. But the real thing to get to is the driving engine. What makes it go? What are the foundational presuppositions? If you teach your children to identify those rightly, and to respond in …
Our Father Noah
The story of the great Flood is a tremendous story of judgment, victory, faith and grace. About 1600 years after the creation of the human race, God visited this great catacylsm upon us — but He nevertheless spared the human race through a righteous man with the name of Noah. Our people survived this great …
Well, Then. Have At It.
I am glad to announce a new feature of this blog, which is that it is actually becoming a blog. Up to this point, it has been more of a web site, without the capacity for you all to respond or comment. But as of this morning, you should notice at the bottom of each …
Evil Suspicions
We are continuing to discuss the origins of verbal strife. The Bible teaches that there is a close correlation between strife and a certain kind of evil suspicion. Speaking of some who were proud and had ungodly attitudes, the apostle Paul warned Timothy about those who dote “about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh …
Companions of Christ
In their ignorance, the disciples on the road to Emmaus besought Jesus to do something which we should all be seeking to do in all knowledge. As they came toward their home, the Lord made as though He was going to continue on, leaving them there. But they constrained Him, it says, and sought for …
Word and Sacrament Alone
You, like the Jews in the wilderness, are assembled on the edge of battle. You, like the Jews, are tempted to be distracted by the size of the enemy. You, like them, are all too aware of your own shortcomings and failings. You know your own sin, you know the doctrine of depravity, and you …
The Idea of History Itself
“Our current obsesssion with multiculturalism is a prime example of this. This obsession is not an educated desire to ‘modify the emphasis,’ gently reminding us that the Chinese had a great civilization while our Anglo ancestors were still killing their meat with rocks. If the desire of the multiculturalists were simply a well-taken insistence that …
Be Strict About Not Being Too Strict
“A father should never fall into the trap of thinking that anything that is ‘strict’ is biblical. Most false religions are strict. If a man applies discipline wrongly, he can mess with his kid’s head for life. He must not confuse house rules with God’s rules. He must teach his children to make such basic …