9-11 and New Orleans

Four years ago today, two airliners flew into the World Trade Towers in New York City. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon. Another plane, perhaps intended for the White House or Capitol, was heroically crashed in Pennsylvania by the passengers instead. At the time, we declared that all this was a portent of God’s …

Identified Through the Bread

One of the reasons the Table of the Lord has been controversial among Christians from the very beginning is the fact that the Table, faithfully observed, reveals the secrets of men. Not only does the faithful observance of the Supper nourish and strengthen the faithful, it also reveals and identifies Judas. Judas identified Jesus with …

That Wall of Separation

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed the bill just out of the California legislature, a bill authorizing homosexual marriage in that state. He did this in spite of the fact that he actually supports the right of homosexuals to marry. Let’s try to translate it into terms we all understand. In other words, he is “personally …