“The leadership of the early church at Antioch contained at least one black man (Acts 13:1). And what happened to Miriam when she opposed the marriage of Moses to a black woman (Num. 12)? God turned her a little bit whiter than she had been previously, but it was the white of leprosy, and this …
Women in Combat?
“When these passages are considered together [Is. 19:16-17; Jer. 50:36-37; 51:29-30; Nah. 3:13], we should conclude that a standard way for the prophets of God to tell a people that their military might has failed them is to say that their warriors have come to the point where they fight like women. A legitimate conclusion …
Malice and Vainglory
Yesterday I posted something about the Little Geneva web site. Some might want a “fer instance” on my claim that fifteen minutes in these cyber places will reveal examples of racial malice or vainglory. Okay. Referring to the editor of World magazine as “Olasky the Jew” would be one example that I believe I have …
The Lord of History
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Father of history, Father of the Lord of history, God of the Spirit who directs all history, we worship You now in the power and authority of the name of Jesus, and amen. We rejoice that You have placed us at this …
9-11 and New Orleans
Four years ago today, two airliners flew into the World Trade Towers in New York City. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon. Another plane, perhaps intended for the White House or Capitol, was heroically crashed in Pennsylvania by the passengers instead. At the time, we declared that all this was a portent of God’s …
Identified Through the Bread
One of the reasons the Table of the Lord has been controversial among Christians from the very beginning is the fact that the Table, faithfully observed, reveals the secrets of men. Not only does the faithful observance of the Supper nourish and strengthen the faithful, it also reveals and identifies Judas. Judas identified Jesus with …
That Wall of Separation
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed the bill just out of the California legislature, a bill authorizing homosexual marriage in that state. He did this in spite of the fact that he actually supports the right of homosexuals to marry. Let’s try to translate it into terms we all understand. In other words, he is “personally …
Fellowship and Laughter
Father of all mercies, we thank You for the great salvation You have lavished upon us in Christ Jesus our Lord. We thank You that peace with You is not purchased by our own works, but rather by Your great grace and love. We thank You for this emblem of grace, our Sabbath meal, knowing …
Avoiding Problem Texts
“This reality points to the need for Christians to learn the biblical way of avoiding ‘problem texts.’ This is the way of a priori submission. Christians must recognize that they are under the authority of God and they may not develop their ideas of what is ‘right and ‘fair’ apart from the Word of God. …
Ready for Takeoff
“Much of the effort being expended on masculine renewal today is nothing more than a discipleship program for weenies — a pale copy of the secular men’s movement of a few years back. In contrast, a husband must assume a mantle of strength and the demeanor of masculine leadership . . . As the church …