Good Friday 2023 Sermon Video The message of the cross of Christ would have no power or authority whatever apart from the profound vindication of that crucifixion that gloriously occurred three ...
Unless the Museum Is Located in Clown World. Then It’s a Nice Getaway.
Not the Best Idea
“To go along with any level of this PC foolishness is like going on a bender in Bangkok and getting a tattoo from a guy whose English is not that strong.”
In the Name of Opposing Lynchings
“To revile due process is to become, in principle, a defender of lynchings.”
Content Cluster Muster [04-06-23]
Even Dragons Shall Praise Him: Contrition is So Important: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Timing Is Everything: Overheard: New Product: Jokes I Like to Tell:Over the years, I have accumulated a store of jokes and whatnot. They generally spurt out on random occasions, and some time ago I thought to collect them, …
Mostly Feathers
“There are some insufferable bores out there, and there are people who puff themselves up like a barn owl when it is ten below.”
How Hymenaeus Struggled With Math
Introduction: In the mid-sixties of the first century, the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about a number of pastoral problems that confronted that earnest young man. One of the challenges had ...
April Letters Are the Best
Letter to the Editor: Do you think that the Asbury event—from reports, a long-scheduled singalong prayer meeting led at times by "gay" and "queer" students, crowned with a sermon ...
Not Enough Money in the World
“You can’t hire enough cops to contain a nation of fatherless men.”
The Shameless v. the Unashamed
Introduction: We are living in remarkable times. Throughout the Western world, there is a huge fault line, now clearly manifest, that separates the transgressives from the normals. This fault line ...