Sermon Video Introduction: The Triumphal Entry was an episode in the ministry of the Lord that had a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning was when the disciples came back to the Lord with ...
Which Is Pretty White
“Some men carry their sin in front of them like a shield, and others drag it behind them, like a rope. With some men, we see the consequences of the sin right away. With others, we don’t see it for a good seventy-five years, and even then there is debate among the learned. So Baltimore is not what happens when blacks govern themselves. Baltimore is what happens when anybody governs according to the pious platitudes of the whitest people in New England.”
In the Exciting Old Way
Acceptable in Every Direction
“Too many trendy evangelicals, if politically correct sentiments were water, act like those long-range lawn sprinklers, the ones that have a 360-degree reach.”
Content Cluster Muster [03-30-23]
A College Ad That Punches Above Its Weight Class: I Subscribed to a Cancelled Scott Adams, & So Should You: There’s Always One: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Yes, Quite: Rick Warren and Women Pastors: Featured Product: Are You Looking for the City? (MP3):Shall I explain what’s going on with these songs? …
We Don’t Want an Honest Conversation as Much as We Pretend To
“Everyone wanted to have an honest conversation about race. The difficulty is that in honest conversations about race, nobody is allowed to say anything that is true.”
That Acrid Taste of Damnation
Introduction: There was a time, back in the olden times, when the aftermath of a horrific event like a school shooting was crowded with politicians making dubious policy pronouncements about ...
Really Grand Inversions
“Anybody who expects due process to run smoothly with a mob outside burning the place down is someone who specializes in grand inversions.”
Letters That Hit the Spot
Letter to the Editor: I have a question regarding the pride flags. Would you support a business that displayed pride flags? It seems every coffee shop, restaurant, and locally owned ...
Bias and Bigotry
“When people make up their minds about a particular allegation based entirely on the color of the participants, they are establishing nothing other than their own disqualifications for having anything whatever to do with the justice system, or anything whatever to say about the future of race relations in America.”