“A preacher of the gospel can say no condemnation, but no one else can. If a preacher of the gospel undertakes to deliver this message, he must preach it to every creature. He must do it in the spirit of the Sunday School song I learned when I was a kid—preach to red and yellow, black and white. Does that sound corny? Too bad.”
Content Cluster Muster [04-13-23]
Still Worth Checking Out: A Video Explainer of the Entry Just Below It: Hot Opportunities: New Founding is the rallying point for founders, investors, and builders who see a historic opportunity to reclaim the virtues of excellence and competence in the economy. Openings CEO at fast-growing conservative newspaper focusing on fact-based reporting in one of …
Not This Week Anyway
“The answer is that such a thing is impossible. Being impossible, it may be tentatively ranked among those things that are not going to happen.”
The Politics of Justice, and the Injustice of Politics
Introduction: So a court has now come to a verdict on the charges leveled against Paige Patterson. You may recall that there was no little excitement in the Southern Baptist Convention a few years ...
The Guilty Pleasure of Guilt
David Stove “refers to whites who ‘having renounced the pleasures of power . . . discover the pleasures of guilt.’ This goes double for the evangelical racial healers, who—in possession of the Holy Spirit—do for our race relations what Benny Hinn does for rheumatoid arthritis.”
A Digital Mailbag Filled With Ones and Zeros
Letter to the Editor: Re: How Hymenaeus Struggled With Math Doug; Please don't use "At the end of the day". Ron -- Doug responds: Ron, I understand your point, and take the ...
How Context Matters
“Put another way, black lives matter would be a wonderful sentiment if we found it in a personal letter of William Wilberforce to his mother.”
A Ham Sandwich With 34 Slices of Felonious Cheese
Introduction: Okay, here is one thing that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin both have in common. Both of them are heads of state in countries in which their leading political opponent has been arrested ...
Our Ancient Hope
Easter Sunday 2023: Sermon Video Introduction: It is regrettably commonplace for expositors, even conservative ones, to state that the doctrine of the general resurrection was not plainly taught ...
No Authority to Say “Stop”
“One of the reasons why a justice system has to be manifestly uncorrupted is that people will not stop rioting in the streets in order to let a corrupt system handle their grievances.”