Content Cluster Muster [10-19-23]

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Open Road, or Tracks in This Case

And as is my wont, I put more here.

This is a really worth while read. Rich Lusk critiques Nancy Pearcey’s new book, and it is very long. But he makes up for it by making it really, really good.

The Geopolitical Dylan

A Song I Really Like for Some Reason

Publishing in Poland

If anyone is interested in helping out some friends of ours in Poland as they translate and publish solid books for the Polish people. They are Trinity Publishing House, and you can contact them here. Among other titles, they have published my Reforming Marriage and Nancy’s Learning Contentment.

Important Things First

HT: Samuel Cherubin

Ralf Heynen

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9 months ago

The neighborhood bully is #Israel? 

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 months ago
Reply to  elizabeth

I think the song is ridiculing anti-Israel sentiment. Picture scare quotes around the title.