Introduction: One of the best things my father ever taught me—and there were many to choose from—was the idea that the Christian should resolve in his heart never to have any problem passages ...
Absolutely Woebegone
“Socialist paradises don’t offer too many of those [lucrative opportunities], and so the ideal would be to find another host body. The problem they will confront is that when America is gone, the tapeworm will lament having killed the last fat guy. And you haven’t seen forlorn sorrow until you see a tapeworm who wouldn’t think ahead.”
Indignant Chemicals
“If there is no God, then we are all just inchoate chemical assemblages and random neuron firings, and all of our moral indignation over this travesty or that outrage are on exactly the same level as what happens when you pour vinegar into baking soda. Something awful happens, and there you are, foaming away at it, and above you . . . only sky. So change that ‘something awful’ into ‘something that apparently displeased the baking soda.’”
Indignation Doesn’t Begin to Describe It
“One of the things I have noticed in my interactions with atheists is the fact that they are very good at getting themselves into a fever pitch of moral indignation. It is one of their signature moves. Hitchens used to do it, Dawkins does it, and Harris does it. They banish any and all possible grounds for any kind of moral evaluation at all, and then they wheel on you, jowls quivering and anger in their eyes, like a Victorian archbishop who just found a couple of painted ladies in the choir loft.”
Letters for a Mid-April Tuesday
Letter to the Editor: Your recent reminder to not take the bait provokes a series of questions regarding the application of Biblical categories to the current cultural climate in America. ...
Attention All Plodcast Listeners!
A number of you have noticed that something went wrong with the Plodcast feed to this space, and very kindly let us know about it. It was a combination of electronic demons teaming up with Murphy of Murphy’s Law fame. Unfortunately, fixing it would be too much of a time suck, and so we fixed …
The Weight Room Down at Hotel California
Introduction: There is no one single cause of the cultural disintegration that we see happening all around us, but one of the more significant factors has been the impact of a horde of fatherless ...
Cultural Revolution and the Sons of Issachar
Sermon Video Introduction: You have no doubt noticed that we live in tumultuous times. Many of you have learned that you should no longer say things like “now I have seen everything,” because ...
Repenting of Learned Helplessness
“Whenever socialism—the singular mania of the Democrats—is imposed anywhere, it is the death of that place. It has been imposed on black America, and it was imposed on black America by the Democrats. The results have been an unmitigated disaster. The ones who should be held responsible should be the ones who did it. I have no objection to black leaders calling abuse. It is long past time for them to do so. But they ought to call abuse on the one who is actually hitting them.”