“Sin has political consequences, but avoid putting politics in charge of the definition of sin.”
Ethnic Conceit as Denial of Christ
Introduction: Allow me to start by saying that I am not trying to pick on A.S. Protestant particularly. It is just that I saw this float by attached to someone in my Twitter feed—and because as it ...
I am on the road, and so am not posting my usual Saturday fare, which would normally be the sermon outline. But I did think I should publish a thought or two—our local Intoleristas are circulating the rumor that I am dying of cancer, and so I thought it wise to poke my head out …
“We have gotten to the ludicrous point where those who are ‘guilty’ of microracism are treated as though they owned a fleet of slave ships.”
A Common Affliction
Content Cluster Muster [04-20-23]
Go On . . .: Hot Opportunities: New Founding is the rallying point for founders, investors, and builders who see a historic opportunity to reclaim the virtues of excellence and competence in the economy. Job Openings Managing Director role for an M&A advisory firm that focuses exclusively on sell-side transactions. Cincinnati, OH. Sales Engineer role at …
The Tweet: An After Action Report
Introduction: A few days ago, Stephen Wolfe tweeted something that garnered no little attention. The offending tweet can be seen off to the right there—“White evangelicals are the lone bulwark against moral insanity in America.” Some, like Allie Beth Stuckey, took it as a simple demographic observation. I read it and moved on, taking it …
The Color of Sin
“Regardless of the color of our skin, we all share the same color of sin. You can describe those sins as scarlet, or you can describe them as black, or as crimson, or as any other color that will upset somebody, but Christ will make them white as snow, white as wool. And one of the things that will happen when Christ sets you free is that you will be able to handle color metaphors like a grown-up.”
No Problem Passages
Introduction: One of the best things my father ever taught me—and there were many to choose from—was the idea that the Christian should resolve in his heart never to have any problem passages ...
Absolutely Woebegone
“Socialist paradises don’t offer too many of those [lucrative opportunities], and so the ideal would be to find another host body. The problem they will confront is that when America is gone, the tapeworm will lament having killed the last fat guy. And you haven’t seen forlorn sorrow until you see a tapeworm who wouldn’t think ahead.”