We live in egalitarian times, which means that there is a culture-wide antipathy toward any kind of authority. We are more deferential than we ought to be when it comes to raw power, or to grotesque manipulation, but we chafe at the very idea of authority. We don’t mind being played, but we do mind …
The Road Love Travels
Philippians (1): Sermon Video Introduction: Philippi was a Roman colony that had been planted in Macedonia, which is now northern Greece. It was settled as a place where Roman soldiers could ...
Nothing On Earth
“I happen to believe that a good deal of racial repentance really is in order, but it sure won’t be ushered in by any study committees on racial reconciliation who have been reading all the wrong sort of books. It will be brought in by a fundamentalist preacher, right out of a Flannery O’Connor short story, preaching hot gospel with his shirt sleeves rolled up and looking like nothing on earth. I don’t care what color he is. What will matter is the color of his words.”
Such a Blessing
Prevailing Winds
“If you have a cottage on the beach, the breezes blow in from off the bay. If you are in the PCA, the breezes blow in from Manhattan. Perhaps the problem, ye Presbyterians, is that you try to address problems like this with study committees. What a white thing to do.”
Content Cluster Muster [04-27-23]
That Time SNL Was Funny. A Good Memory.: Hot Opportunities: New Founding is the rallying point for founders, investors, and builders who see a historic opportunity to reclaim the virtues of excellence and competence in the economy. Job Openings Managing Director role for an M&A advisory firm that focuses exclusively on sell-side transactions. Cincinnati, OH. Sales …
Inexcusable and Unforgivable Are Not the Same
“Apart from the cross of Christ, nothing is forgivable because all of it is inexcusable. But in Christ, the inexcusable can be forgiven.”
That Time Virginia Flogged a Baptist
Introduction: This is a picture of the flogging of Obadiah Holmes in Massachusetts, who was flogged for holding unauthorized worship services. Let us even stipulate that Obadiah was a handful, and still our response is one of disapprobation. And the same kind of thing happened down in Virginia a century later. So yes, there was …
And I Mean “Seriously Tries”
“Don’t use words like ‘dialogue’ or ‘conversation’ when what you have planned is a lecture . . . In a Christian conversation, everyone talks, and everyone tries to listen.”
These Letters Are Just the Best
Letter to the Editor: In this post , you suggest that "I am going to be white even harder" is an improper response. Elsewhere, you claim that honoring your father and mother includes interaction ...