Elijah Went Up in a Whirlwind. We Landed in a Whirlwind.

Sea of Galilee from our hotel room . . . We landed in Tel Aviv in the morning, prepared to see what countless pilgrims before us have seen. There are many things to see, of course. Tel Aviv is right next to old Joppa, where Peter saw the vision of the unclean animals in the …

When Art Came Down

“What did painting the medieval period take for its subjects? Well, pretty much anybody with a halo. The holy family, Madonna and child, the twelves apostles, and so on. Now do not take me wrong. I have no problem with art treating biblical themes. That did not go away with the Reformation. But what came in as a result of the Reformation? The Dutch realist painters introduced us to the glory of the mundane. A girl reading a letter, a woman making lace, another woman pouring something from a jug, a girl with an earring, another girl smirking, still life table settings, an anatomy lecture with a cadaver. In short, art came down and dwelt among the people . . . just as the Lord had done.”

Chestertonian Calvinism, pp. 27-28

Content Cluster Muster [05-18-23]

All the Best Open Road Views Are Found On Open Roads: As always, more here. Always a Catch: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Quite the Talent: High Discourse on the Way to Abilene: Featured Product: Westminster in Verse:This offering is submitted an part of my efforts to find the ultimate niche product. …

The Devil’s Swing Sets

“We are all aware of the hazards posed by fastidious sabbatarians—our Lord collided with them more than once, and once modern sabbath-keeping because the norm, it was not long before peck sniffs started to roam the city, putting padlocks on swing sets, lest any antinomian eight-year-olds swing themselves to perdition.”

Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 25