Letter to the Editor: What is your view concerning the day of creation on which angels were made? Do you think that when Adam and Eve fell into sin, that all of the back story with ...
Letters When Letters Were Clearly Called For
Letter to the Editor: Hey Doug this'll be a quick one but what are your views on men fighting other men for sports entertainment, such as boxing and MMA ( mixed martial arts)? Is it ...
Letters at the Tale End of July
Letter to the Editor: I suspect you would agree that one of the key ingredients of a successful church is building tight-knit communities. The method most churches today use in the Evangelical ...
Letters in the Dog Days Come Early
Letter to the Editor: What concerns us is our pastor's insistence on remaining unpolitical. He has mentioned in sermons that he wants to be focused on the gospel and not politics. I suspect ...
July Letters, and Why the Heck Not?
Letter to the Editor: Point by point, I tracked everything you said. From the iconic and divinely orchestrated photo-op to the "different angle" about this kinda sorta being the American ...
Letters That Arrived Later Than Previous Ones
Letter to the Editor: In your July 2 letters, you mentioned VidAngel as a possible solution for consuming video content that would otherwise be unwholesome. I've struggled a bit with the ...
The Peak July Letters So Far
Letter to the Editor: Re: swapping Biden I could be mistaken, but I think there is a relatively simple path for swapping Biden. Because the primary process has commenced, and Biden has nearly ...
Letters with July Just Staring at Us
Letter to the Editor: Have you read American Nations by Colin Woodard. Rocky Rocky, yes I have. Enjoyed it very much. And along the same line, I thought Albion's Seed ...
Letters On the Road
Letter to the Editor: I enjoyed your recent post on child communion. I am curious if you know of any resources that point to the early church’s practice of this, or historical ...
Letters in the Midst of Dobbs Celebration Month
Letter to the Editor: In your Invitation to Child Communion, you sure use a lot of words to rationalize a practice with no scriptural warrant. Paedos confuse physical and spiritual birth ...