Introduction: Our attitude toward the future reveals, as few others things do, our actual doctrine of God, our actual theology. It is perilously easy to have our catechism truths down pat, there on ...
How to Move to Moscow
Introduction: Sermon Video As you all know, we have seen a steady stream of folks moving to Moscow, and, as you might not know, it shows no sign of letting up. Up to this point, we have all been ...
Idols and Tyranny
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the reasons we have trouble dealing realistically with evil in this world is that we have drawn mental cartoons of the evil beforehand. When someone says “tyranny,” ...
Permit the Children
Sermon Video Introduction: This is a remarkable period in the history of our congregation. We have never seen growth like this before, and all of us are getting used to the new situation. Of course, ...
Dealing With Discouragement
Sermon Video Introduction: Although the occasions can be many, there are two basic reasons for discouragement—internal and external. The internal occurs when for some reason we have given way ...
Christ the Friend of Sinners
Sermon Video Introduction: If Satan could successfully get us all to believe just one lie, what would that lie be? Is there an aboriginal lie, one that rests at the root of every twisted thought ...
Church and Kingdom, Cathedral and Town
Sermon Video Introduction: Remember that the Spirit moves throughout the earth, converting and restoring individuals, fashioning them into saints, into believers. As His fruit is manifested in ...
Heavier Than Wet Sand
Sermon Video Introduction: Some sins are out in the open, and everybody in the church knows that they are in fact sins. I am thinking about theft, drunkenness, adultery, and the like. But there ...
Covenant Life Together 2
Sermon Video Introduction: Confession of sin is a basic activity that all Christians need to understand and practice. It is the most fundamental form of spiritual housekeeping. There is no way ...
Cutthroat Honesty
Introduction: The title I have given this message is that of Cutthroat Honesty, but if you find that title a little scary or off-putting, you may categorize it as a message on actual confession of ...