Introduction: One very common problem that Christians have in their Christian lives is the problem of spiritual clutter. Many Christians don’t know what to do with various unresolved sins and problems, ...
My Dear Globguttle
I have not written much in the line of “inverse” advice, but I was asked to address the Logos secondary in a “Screwtape” vein, and so here is my effort, such as it is. My dear Globguttle, Your letter reveals a confused state of mind, but I acknowledge that the confusion is perhaps understandable. You …
Is All Temptation Internal?
Steven Wedgeworth was kind enough to respond to my recent post on concupiscence, doing so here. As was true when I read his chapter in Ruined Sinners to Reclaim, I agreed with a lot of this response also. Two places where I would still differ. I don’t think that my (possible) difference with John Owen …
Confession of Sin and Forgiveness
Sermon Video Introduction: One very common problem that Christians have in their Christian lives is the problem of spiritual clutter. Many Christians don’t know what to do with various unresolved ...
Covenant Life Together 2
Sermon Video Introduction: Confession of sin is a basic activity that all Christians need to understand and practice. It is the most fundamental form of spiritual housekeeping. There is no way ...
Cutthroat Honesty
Introduction: The title I have given this message is that of Cutthroat Honesty, but if you find that title a little scary or off-putting, you may categorize it as a message on actual confession of ...
Honest With God/Confession of Sin
Introduction:I would like to spend this week and next addressing honesty with God, and what it means to grow in grace. In brief, there are two elements to growth in grace. The first is the removal of impediments to that growth, which we will address this week, and the second is the presence of that …