Betsy DeVos, our new president’s nominee for Secretary of Education, is not a product of our government school system. She attended private school herself. Her children are not products of the government education either. They all attended private school. She is, therefore, according to some of our education bureaucracy mavens, not a suitable choice to …
Texts and Timing
I have been in the thick of the classical Christian school movement from the very start of it, and I like to think I have been around. I have been to all the ACCS conferences. I have browsed more vendor tables than Carter’s got pills. I have visited numerous classical Christian schools, both the start-ups …
The Interview That Ended Poorly
Our attention has been increasingly drawn to the growth of classical Christian schools, and so we sent a reporter with National Proletariat Radio to interview Douglas Wilson in Moscow, Idaho to get some background on this important movement. NPR: Thank you so much for granting this interview. DW: Glad to do it. Thanks for the …
A Problematic Gumby Word
I have been involved in the work of recovering a right understanding of the liberal arts in education for decades now. One of the reasons for this is that we have to destroy what is now called liberalism—what also goes by its other names of progressivism or leftism, depending on which convenience store they are …
Standing Fast
If I might, I would like to begin with a set of bundled quotations. The first is from The Pilgrim’s Progress, the second from John Buchan’s trilogy of books, The 39 Steps, Mr. Standfast, and Greenmantle, and the third from a few places in Scripture. Please bear with me for just a moment. First, John …
Tolle, Leg It
In the aftermath of the Obergefell decision by the Supreme Court, a lot of Christian parents are reeling. They know they must do something, but what can they do? The decision was so high-handed, so arbitrary, so insolently rendered, that it would be easy to assume that there is nothing we can do about it …
Another Brick in the Wall
So then, the problem with ignorance is that when you don’t know, you frequently don’t know what it is you don’t know. A common trope among our leaders and pontificators is found in the phrase “the greatest national security threat we face is . . .” followed whatever it is they want us to be …
Build. Fight.
I would like to introduce you to an important campaign just launched by New St. Andrews College. First, please take a moment to click here and watch the video. I will either wait here, or come along with you to watch the video again with you. It’s that good. Now that you are back, I …
Discussion on Music Education: Teaser Trailer
Recovering Music in Christian Education | Teaser from Roman Roads Media on Vimeo.
Children of the Rainbow
As some of you may have noticed, this last weekend I put up a post that went kind of nuts. I am talking about Tolle, Leg It, in which I encouraged Christian parents to take this particular rainbow moment as an appropriate time to remove their kids from the government schools, select a tall object …