The 9 Pitfalls of Homeschooling

Introduction: Before getting into this, please allow me to say that there will be a follow-up and parallel post on the pitfalls of traditional classroom instruction. This is a post of pastoral cautions for parents, not an exercise in pedagogical partisanship. I have been involved in the work of education for almost forty years. And …

The Classical Christian Option

In his next chapter, Rod Dreher spends a good bit of time singing a song I am very familiar with, and he says many good things. The cultural key is education, and what Dreher urges is, from one standpoint, very heartening. “This is why we have to focus tightly and without hesitation on education” (Loc. …

Affirmations on Creation for Classical Christian Educators

I am submitting this to you all for a little cloud source editing. If you are in basic agreement with the sentiments presented here, and see a way the expression of them might be improved, please feel free to say something in the comments. I will incorporate them later and present you all with the …