Jesus told His disciples that the cup of the Lord’s Supper was the new testament in His blood. But later, in the Garden, when He agonized over His fast approaching death, He prayed that the cup would pass from Him. He was in such agony over this that His sweat was like blood, falling down …
Wine or Grape Juice?
As you know, when we come to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we have wine available in the outer rings of the trays, and grape juice is in the center. We do this because some Christians have developed scruples about drinking wine, and the New Testament is very plain about how such things are to be …
Ezra Nehemiah 4
Introduction The task that the returning exiles had was that of rebuilding in the midst of ruin. The work was overwhelming and the challenges huge, and we are very much in a similar position. As we have noted, one of our basic tasks is that of learning from them. The Text: “And when the seventh …
More Than In Our Private Times
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Great God of the city, the city of Zion, Your foundation stands sure, Your foundation is in the holy mountains. Your city is in the holy mountains. You love the gates of Zion, You love the public worship of Your saints More …
The Holiday of Stuff
This is the first Lord’s Day of Advent, the year of our Lord, 2005. This is the beginning of the church year, marking annually, as we do, the beginning of our salvation in the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary. We are marking our days, building up to one …
Now Wash Up First
When we assemble at this Table we are doing more than simply gathering to be nourished—although that is right at the center of what we do. We also are showing the world where we gather to be nourished. When a bunch of kids are playing in the neighborhood on a summer afternoon, imagine five or …
Several Boxes
Thanksgivng, year of our Lord 2005 I live in part of the country that has four seasons, and we have now entered into the foggy and rainy portion. What a glorious thing fog is! We are fast approaching the time when this fog will freeze to the trees, and we will have our hoarfrost, and …
Fencing to Feed
In Luke 22, we are told that Satan entered into Judas before the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh. By this, we should be reminded of what an unimpressive spiritual event the institution of the Lord’s Supper appeared to be. Judas the traitor was there, and this meant that Satan was also there. Peter was …
Response to Tumult
When God moves in reformation, it always causes a stir, and it always causes controversy. Take care that you do not give way to the flesh in either circumstance. Receive what God is doing in our midst with gladness and simplicity. But know that Americans have a two-hundred year history of mangling a right understanding …
Like Grass on the Roof
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Lord God of Israel, Many times they have tormented me, From my youth they have tormented me. Let Israel say the same thing, Let Israel confess: Many times from my youth they have afflicted me, But they have not prevailed. With their …