Like Grass on the Roof

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Minister: Lift up your hearts!
Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord!

Lord God of Israel,
Many times they have tormented me,
From my youth they have tormented me.
Let Israel say the same thing,
Let Israel confess:

Many times from my youth they have afflicted me,
But they have not prevailed.
With their lash, they plowed my back,
The furrows were long, from rib cage to rib cage.

But the Lord is righteous, and He has cut all their cords,
He cut in two the cords of the wicked.
Let all those be confounded who hate the holy city,
Let them be turned back who hate the place of Zion.

Let them be like tufts of grass that grow up,
Growing up in the rain gutter around the roof,
Grass which withers as soon as it starts to grow.
The harvester does not even bother with it,
The one who binds the sheaves
does not even think of it.

Those who walk by the field of harvest
Do not look to the withered grass on the roof
And think to say,
“The blessing of the Lord continue!
We bless you in the name of the Lord!”

And so, gracious Father, we worship You now through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end, amen.

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