Nancy has some really great suggestions on sabbath feasting. Tim Bayly continues to write helpfully on what I consider to be one of the central doctrinal issues for the church in the coming century — the gender issues, all of them. Not all of the genders, all of the issues. And check out the vintage …
Don’t Pretend to be Happy
For those who have followed the discussions around Debbie Maken’s book, my wife has just posted on the same subject here.
On the Buzzfront
We have been very grateful for some of the initial buzz on Letter from a Christian Citizen. The Conservative Book Club has now picked it up, which is fun, calling it the “definitive Christian response” to Sam Harris’ book. In addition, Dr. Larry Schweikart visited Moscow and spoke for New Saint Andrews College last Friday …
My Mistake
Yesterday I posted an Amazon link to Letter from a Christian Citizen, which I took down this morning. The reason is that it wasn’t an Amazon link from the publisher (which is in the works), but rather from an individual bookseller. To avoid confusing things, I need to wait until the next link comes up …
Sam Harris Events
Gary DeMar will be interviewing me a couple times today concerned the release of my book Letter from a Christian Citizen. I am responding to Sam Harris’ book (Letter to a Christian Nation) promoting a militant form of atheism. You can listen to one or the other or both interviews on the Internet. For the …
Classified Among the Vertebrates
My response to Sam Harris’ book Letter to a Christian Nation has now been released. Information on ordering it can be found here. This response of mine is entitled Letter from a Christian Citizen, and we are really excited about it. When I have the press release for the book, I will post it here. …
Nancy Wilson’s New Blog
I am very pleased to announce that my wife, Nancy Wilson, has started a blog called Femina, which can be found here. The look of the blog will change over time (probably in the very near future), but she is getting started now with a standard template. She has a lot of material that she …
Worth a Look
This is an absolutely amazing bit of juggling. As my father-in-law says, “Who has more fun than people?” HT: David Field
Employment Opportunity in Moscow
Put this under the heading of “a little help for our friends.” Dr. John Grauke is a good friend of mine, and is a general practitioner here in Moscow. You can check out the web site for his practice here. He is currently looking for qualified mid-level help for his practice (a nurse practitioner or …
The Napkin Project
A few months back I mentioned here some fun news about a short story that my son Nate got published in The Chattahoochee Review. Here is that story again. But something else shook loose as a result of that venture that has also been kind of fun, and worth mentioning here. A new editor at …