Nancy Wilson’s New Blog

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I am very pleased to announce that my wife, Nancy Wilson, has started a blog called Femina, which can be found here. The look of the blog will change over time (probably in the very near future), but she is getting started now with a standard template.

She has a lot of material that she has used in women’s Bible studies over the years, and she will be putting that up in a systematic way, along with numerous commonplaces that she has collected from the Puritans. I believe the site will be a great encouragement to the women who bookmark it, and check in regularly.

Allow me to praise her in the cyber-gates. I can’t let this opportunity go by without saying, as her husband, that Nancy really knows what she is talking about. She practices what she teaches other women to do, and she does it with a great deal of shrewdness, wisdom, grace, beauty, intelligence, kindness, and love. She’s the best.

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Naomi van Dort
Naomi van Dort
9 months ago

Hi Pastor Wilson, I have tried to visit the Femina blog over the past few months. However, only error pages..etc. load! Is the Femina blog no longer available? May the Femina blog continue to be available please? I know there is the Femina & What Have You podcasts, however, it was such a blessing and so helpful to have article size biblical wisdom in word form to read, print, share with others. I know that Nancy, Bekah, Heather & Rachel are no longer posting on the Femina blog, but all the content already on there, was gold and can be… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by Naomi van Dort