Just After the Nick of Time

You all know that those who are interested may order 100 Cupboards from Canon Press. Right? Right. Now for some reason, best known only to themselves, the good folks at Random House determined that they wanted to release this book on December 26, just after the nick of time. But this great present/wrong day problem …

A Truckload of Granddaughters

Anyone who follows this blog at all knows how grateful to God I am for my children, for their spouses, and for my children’s children. It is a wonderful thing to read fat theological books about the covenant, but to actually see the promises of the covenant taking three-dimensional shape right in front of you …

Credenda Turns Twenty

Below please find the next fundraising letter being sent out by Credenda. It even has some big news in it. If the appeal brings you to tears, go to this page, and click appropriately. December 2007 Dear Friends of Credenda, Next month we begin our twentieth year of publication. We are extremely grateful to God …