Credenda Turns Twenty

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Below please find the next fundraising letter being sent out by Credenda. It even has some big news in it. If the appeal brings you to tears, go to this page, and click appropriately.

December 2007

Dear Friends of Credenda,

Next month we begin our twentieth year of publication. We are extremely grateful to God for all that He has done in the course of these twenty years—it is far, far beyond any of our expectations when we first started this venture. When we began, our publication was a simple newsletter, and slowly, inexorably, like a creature from the dark lagoon, it grew into an impish magazine of serious mien, if I might be permitted to mix a couple metaphors.

In the early years, we sent the magazine out free of charge to any who asked. As a result of this, and having a number of folks add their Christmas card lists to our mailing list, the thing grew far beyond our capacity to maintain. We were mailing to a lot of people, but not very often. As a result of that, we went to our current system, where we mail to everyone who has, within recent memory, sent a donation of any size. On the threshold of our twentieth year, we are about to make another change.

Credenda, Lord willing, will continue operations, bigger, brassier, and full of cheek. But at the same time, we have decided to significantly overhaul what we are doing. We will let you discover a lot of the changes for yourself, but one of the main ones will be that we are shifting to quarterly publication. We will be retaining some of the standard features, but will also be replacing others with additional articles and features. The last edition of each year will be dedicated to the arts, literary and otherwise.

Another change—and that is where this letter comes in—is that we want to work our way back to what we did at the first. We want to mail Credenda free of charge to anyone who desires it, or who has a Reformed cousin who desires it for them. That’s the plan anyway, which we hope to implement over the course of our twentieth year. If you approve of this plan, please remember us as you are deciding how to give at the end of this year. Giving the magazine away for free does not mean that we can print it for free, as you no doubt realize. So if this letter comes to you just as you were praying about what to do with those spare thousands, please consider this letter as a favorable omen.

Thanks very much.

Cordially in Christ,

Douglas Wilson

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