A Truckload of Granddaughters

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Anyone who follows this blog at all knows how grateful to God I am for my children, for their spouses, and for my children’s children. It is a wonderful thing to read fat theological books about the covenant, but to actually see the promises of the covenant taking three-dimensional shape right in front of you is a blessing beyond all calculating. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant” (Ps. 25:14). And when God plays “show and tell,” He really knows how to show it.

My youngest daughter Rachel, and her husband Luke, have a wonderful “sabbath living” business, four marvelous children, a serious work ethic, and a real love for beauty. My son Nate, his wife Heather, and their four children, are up to their necks in the serious business of not looking very serious, all while doing some very serious work — and among Nate’s many activities we have to list the writing of stories that Random House really wants to publish. The international rights to 100 Cupboards have sold in five countries thus far — France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and Australia. And my oldest daughter Bekah is living at Oxford with her husband Ben while he is getting his D.Phil. there. They are situated there along with their five children, and making quite a party out of it. And so putting all this together, one of the representative blessings of the covenant is this green truckload of Idaho granddaughters, with a red barn off to their left.

At any rate, this brings me to the point of this post, and why it listed under “Shameless Appeals.” As if her life in the UK were not challenging enough, Bekah has developed/invented, whatever you want to call it, an important, ahem, product for little girls, and her business selling them is now officially up and running. Her website explains the whole Skirty thing here. If you go through the whole site, you will see a number of things besides the product — some marvelous photos of my grandkids, my daughter’s writing ability and her sense of humor, her painting ability, not to mention a bunch of other things. What you won’t see there is my pride and gratitude, which is why I am telling you about that here.

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