The sermon last Lord’s Day was on Psalm 43 — on the willingness of the psalmist to invite God to come down and judge his case.
In Case You’re the Kind Who Likes to Keep a Joke Around
I put the Dalai Bama image on a few t-shirts and mugs here. I am not sure, but I think Frank Turk made his millions this way.
Not the Kind of Pic Usually Seen at This Blog
My daughter Bekah offers a timely reminder of the kind of thing that can happen on a playground, starting next week sometime.
Two New Books
I have a couple of new books coming out before the end of 08. The first is on what it means to recover a sense of being a “high church Puritan.” The general topic is on the screaming contemporary need for a reformation in theology and liturgics. The second book is entitled Heaven Misplaced, and …
What Merciful People Receive
Periodically I preach through ten psalms, and have now come to the fifth decade of psalms (41-50). Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
An Amos Overview
An overview of the structure and message of the book of Amos can be found here.
Why the Horse Isn’t Dead
I have mentioned before the atheism jag that I have been on, and even if I hadn’t mentioned it, it would have been obvious. Just last week I posted covers of some of the new titles coming out. One thought that has occurred to me is that a number of Christians may be thinking, “For …
The Walnut of Doom
I just recently realized that we still have some copies Right Behind around here, and what’s with that? Unfortunately we don’t have any more copies of Supergeddon (“A Really Big Geddon”), but we do have some copies of, as I mentioned, Right Behind. What is that? you wonder. Is it connected at all to the …
100 Lager
100 Cupboards is being translated into a passle of languages, as I believe I already informed you. I think the Danes are first with 100 Lager. This very nice review below appeared in Denmark, and was written by one Christina Andersen. I am sure the, um, quaint turns of phrase here are actually a feature …
Don’t Want Anyone to be Caught Flatfooted
Because it would be bad to be caught flatfooted. The paperback edition of Leepike Ridge is due to be released one week from today.