Nate’s third installment for CT on the Hitchens tour is posted here.
An Artillery Sermon
Last Lord’s Day I preached what the colonials called “an artillery sermon,” a message to prepare Christians for the election and its aftermath. The message is called Pomosexuality, and you can find it here.
Debate at Westminster
Here is Nate’s second installment on the tour with Hitchens.
It gives me a great deal of pleasure to recommend Basilica to you — a journal of mere Christendom. This promises to be a great recource for those who want to learn about the Reformers as they were in historic 3-D. Make sure you browse in the nooks and crannies.
Teaser Trailer
I been through the desert on a documentary with no name doesn’t scan as nicely as the original, but there it is. And I think it will be hard for me to explain how pleased and excited I am about how this documentary is going to look. My friend Darren Doane stayed up all night …
No Moderator, and We Both Behaved
Just a brief recap of the day — more detailed discussion will occur later. Nate is traveling on this gig with us in order to write short pieces for Christianity Today online, the first of which can be found here. And speaking of CT, it would be appropriate to extend a word of thanks to …
The Helichopper Was Fun
Sorry, this will have to be brief. We flew down to Philadelphia from New York early this afternoon — which we did in a helichopper. That was fun. Took about a hour, with a short delay caused by circling the Statue of Liberty once. We covered the ground at about 1500 feet, and once of …
Common Ground
Well, I met Christopher Hitchens today, and we got on quite well. As I have mentioned before, we have a very competent camera crew pursuing us to document all this stuff, so you can see a bunch of this for yourself later on. In this space, I will start pounding the drum for this film …
Here are the unfolding details about the Hitchens/Wilson book tour/debate, as I understand those details. I will be with Christopher Hitchens next Wednesday (October 29) at King’s College in the Empire State Building at twelve noon. This will be a book signing event in a town hall style meeting, hosted by Marvin Olasky, who is …
Don’t Think Anybody Saw That Coming
HT: Justin Taylor