The center of the chiasm that is Habakkuk contains the phrase, “The just shall live by faith.” It is the central point of that book, and Paul cites it in a way that shows it to be the central point of Romans. A sermon on all that is found here.
Another Dandelion Fire
Nate is giving away another copy of Dandelion Fire here. But this time you can’t just post — you have venture an answer to an actual question.
Called to Be an Apostle
The message on the first seven verses of Romans is now posted here.
Even If You Can’t Carry a Tune With a Fork Lift
Canon Press has recently released a supplementary product to the Cantus Christi, designed to help folks learn their respective parts. If singing harmony is a new concept for you, this is really slick. You take the CD that corresponds to the part you want to learn, turn the balance knob, and there your part is, …
Wordsmithing Over at Nate’s Blog
Nate continues to write about learning how to write. Good stuff here.
Starting In on Romans
The sermon last Sunday was an introduction to Romans, which we should be taking about a year to work through.
Not At All C-Spanny
I have had quite a number of debates with atheists over the years, but because of this Collision documentary, this last series of debates with Christopher Hitchens has been the first time I have ever been able to review any of the game footage. And the views on the You Tube trailer are well over …
Slavic Reformation
Let me take this opportunity to commend this ministry to you. Remarkable things are happening in that part of the world, and the Slavic Reformation Society is part of it.
And Looking Forward to More
Christianity Today has a collection of clips, links, and photos from the debate tour. Here.
Shoot. Take Two Ganders.
Here is the trailer at YouTube. Take a gander.