Introduction: For those who know the back story, it is kind of odd that you can go to our nation’s capital, and there visit both the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. After all, the two men were political adversaries, on opposite sides of the aisle, and this was before that center aisle was even …
“My Kingdom is Not of This World,” Which Is Why We Were Instructed to Pray for it to Come
I owe John Piper more than I can possibly express, and so it is most necessary for me to preface any disagreement with him in terms of highest respect. And that is what I do here, right at the top, lest anyone miss it. § This is an odd kind of disagreement, because I actually …
If All I Had Was Rocks . . .
Introduction : Why are there no climate change protests in China? The answer is pretty easy when you think about it for a moment or two. They are unnecessary there because China is already communist. Why are there no Black Lives Matters marches in China? Because they are already communist. Why is their society not riven …
Looking the Horse of Grace in the Mouth
Introduction: In the cartoon, looking a gift horse in the mouth is the way of wisdom. As a default pattern for responding to the grace of God, it leaves much to be desired. As promised, I want ...
Public Theology Comes Out Your Fingertips Also
Introduction: I appreciated the fact that Scott Aniol decided to review Mere Christendom , and I would like to pursue the conversation further if I might. If we keep this up, we might actually ...
The Sinkhole of Secularism
The Backdrop of Understanding is Always the Eye of Faith: "Faith is so quick a grace that it presents things past, things above and things to come—all in a moment, so quick, is this eagle-eye ...
The Fighting Moderates, aka the Pink-Pilled
Introduction: I have from time to time noticed a certain measure of exasperation with me. I am not here speaking about the exasperation of the progressives on the left because that can be hard ...
That Time Virginia Flogged a Baptist
Introduction: This is a picture of the flogging of Obadiah Holmes in Massachusetts, who was flogged for holding unauthorized worship services. Let us even stipulate that Obadiah was a handful, and still our response is one of disapprobation. And the same kind of thing happened down in Virginia a century later. So yes, there was …
The Shameless v. the Unashamed
Introduction: We are living in remarkable times. Throughout the Western world, there is a huge fault line, now clearly manifest, that separates the transgressives from the normals. This fault line ...
That Acrid Taste of Damnation
Introduction: There was a time, back in the olden times, when the aftermath of a horrific event like a school shooting was crowded with politicians making dubious policy pronouncements about ...