Introduction: I will begin by saying that I owe a great deal to John Piper, and one of the central things I owe to him is respect. A number of years ago, he invited me to speak in Minneapolis for one ...
These Our Turbulent Mercies
Sermon Video Introduction: A little over a week from now, we will be selecting our next president. In preparation for this, and because Christ is Lord of everything we do, we need to consider ...
Why “America the Beautiful”?
We had another successful psalm sing yesterday, with hundreds in attendance. It was glorious, and the Lord was kind as always. Thanks to all of you who prayed for us, and who have supported us in various ...
How Hospitality Weaves
Little Platoons: True community is something that develops as the result of interwoven relationships, multiple tightly-knit relationships, and that requires an ethos of hospitality. The modern temptation ...
Monstrous Regiment, Eh?
Introduction: When John Knox penned his peppery critique of Bloody Mary, that infamous First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, he wadded his little booklet into an object ...
The Moment
Introduction: What happens when cultural norms break down? If you have not been living under a large rock for the last six months or so, you know that the question is not a hypothetical one. We have had lock downs, a secession in Seattle, riots, murders, massive governmental incompetence, equally massive governmental over reach, toxic …
The Obverse Image of God
“They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22:21 (KJV) ...
In Which We Have An Opportunity to Talk About Ourselves in the Third Person
Introduction: I have previously used this space to commend a newsletter called The Masculinist, written and distributed by Aaron Renn. He provides a lot of trenchant analysis of the sort that you won’t find among the approved but gelded evangelicals, and hence it has a lot more explanatory power than what you usually get. If …
And Now for Some Words of Encouragement
America is currently in the grip of a fever, and fevers break. The task of conservative believers is not to have a good testimony during this time of feverish panic. Our necessary task is to still ...
Our Galvanizing Grandfather
Introduction: My purpose here is not to rehearse the arguments over masking mandates, or to again work through the basics of biblical civics. If you need a refresher, you can find one here or here. ...